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Author Archives: Dave

K4 Software availability


This page contains a list of software available for the K4 and its related hardware. Continue reading »

Categories: Reviews | 10 Comments

Building a coax entry panel


Overview: Legal Disclaimer: I am not an electrician, you must check with an electrician prior to performing any work involving your home. A year or so ago, I got the idea of installing a loop antenna to help reduce some of my RFI.  Not wanting to follow some of my previous bad practices with more … Continue reading »

Categories: Cleanup, Construction, Info, RFI Mitigation, Station, Tools | Leave a comment

6BTV Yearly Maintenance


Checklist for yearly maintenance of a 6BTV antenna Continue reading »

Categories: 6BTV, Reviews, Setups | Leave a comment

Building a K4 external keypad


The K4 is fundamentally different in the way it launches macros than the K3.  The K3 launched macros via the SVGA card, (which is an add on to the Elecraft P3 panadaptor), and used an indirect addressing scheme to select which macro was launched.  The K4, on the other hand, uses telnet, and accepts macros directly, in real time!  You just log into the K4 via telnet, and send the macro.  This required a total rethink of the process for communicating with the radio. Continue reading »

Categories: Construction, Elecraft K4, Info | Leave a comment

Propagation, part II


“The Sun, and the Ionosphere”   Overview The sun is a gigantic, continuously running nuclear fusion reactor, 93 million miles away.  It is so far away it takes the light from the sun eight plus minutes to reach Earth.  Yet, that light from the sun can still cook the skin right off your shoulders if … Continue reading »

Categories: Propagation | Leave a comment

Propagation Part I


This is the first in a multi part set of articles that will help you understand how to work more DX by understand band openings, and band closings. Continue reading »

Categories: Education, Propagation | Leave a comment

Notes: tinySA


I still want the expensive HP type of Spectrum Analyzer, but alas, I doubt I will have $40,000 bucks to throw at it.  When I saw the “tinySA”, (tiny spectrum analyzer), come to market a few months ago, and saw that R&L was selling them for $54.98, I just had to have one…  This entry is a string of notes that may help the next person along this route to get to a working, fully updated, with tools tinySA. Continue reading »

Categories: Accessories reviews, Direction Finding, Info, Notes, Quantification, RFI Mitigation, RFI Signatures, Setups, TinySA, Tools | 11 Comments

Review of DX Engineering’s 6BTV 17 Meter add on kit


I am very happy I purchased this kit, as opposed to cheeping out and using PVC, and non Stainless Steel parts. Continue reading »

Categories: 6BTV, Antenna Reviews, Construction, DX, Info, Reviews | 3 Comments

KPA500 Input vs. Output Power


Graphs showing input power vs output power of the Elecraft KPA500 RF Amplifier. Continue reading »

Categories: Elecraft K3, Info, Reviews | Leave a comment

Elecraft K3: KSYN3A synthesizer installation notes


Overview: At one point, myself and K7OLN were living about 700 feet apart.  Both of us were very active, and as a result could not operate on the same band at the same time.  I purchased an Elecraft K3, and that helped, K7OLN then purchased a K3 and that helped more.  Then Elecraft came out … Continue reading »

Categories: Cleanup, Elecraft K3, Info, Setups | 2 Comments