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K4 Software availability

Posted by on January 23, 2024



Software for the Elecraft K4!  I and a friend are now creating software for the Elecraft K4 radio.  We are not associated in any way with Elecraft, this is just software we wrote.  The radio is new enough that software is still scarce.  We are looking to create Windows 10 and above, utilities, not remote solutions.  While some of the software might function remotely, none of it is designed to function remotely.   Software is listed below:


Software to send macros to the Elecraft K4 radio, and allow the user the ability to create up to 50 user programmable macros and send them via button presses on a windows form.

You can obtain the MacroMaster software here.





Screenshot of the program K4: S-Meter Recorder

K4: S-Meter Recorder:

Software allowing you to record S-Meter levels across long time frames.  Writes a file to disk of the readings, compatible with most spreadsheet programs.

You can obtain the K4: S-Meter Recorder software here.





K4 Tuner Trainer:

Software designed to reduce the workload of training an Elecraft K4/KAT500 tuner, this software automates the process of moving from segment to segment when training the KAT500 tuner, and the K4 radio.

You can obtain the Tuner Trainer software here.






K4 Settings Reader:

Software designed to read the settings of the K4 radio, and preserve them in a file.  The software also provides the ability to compare one settings run to another.

You can obtain the K4 Settings reader software here.


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Tim Payne
4 months ago

I figured somehow the excel files got corrupted, so I reloaded them and copy/pasted the former macros that I had been using to the new ones. It seems to work just fine now in compact mode. 🙂

Tim Payne
4 months ago


Tim Payne
4 months ago

I’m using the programmable buttons. They work fine in regular mode, just not in compact mode..weird..

4 months ago

Is it possible to program Macromaster to remember the window position it was last used? Also, I can’t seem to get the macrobuttons to work in compact mode. Is this normal ?


5 months ago

Great stuff you’re working on ! I use the KAT500 without the communication cable. I think your program would still work?


Joe, W8JH