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Shack Rebuild

Rebuilding the shack to minimize RFI

Rebuilding the Shack– from scratch


In 2014 I decided to upgrade the station, I became retired in 2013, and my use of the station was no longer weekends, and holidays. I could use it anytime I wanted, day or night. I decided I needed a better radio, and a bit more desk space. After a lot of looking, the Elecraft K3 popped up on my radar. The K3 provided me with a better radio, and a bit more desk space, exactly what I wanted. At the time of purchase for the K3, I decided it was about time to do a station rebuild, starting with the station grounding , and working my way to the Coax, and finally the control lines. Continue reading »

Categories: Cleanup, Construction, Info, Quantification, Reviews, RFI Mitigation, Shack Rebuild, Station, Tools | 2 Comments