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ARRL to FCC: “Grow Light” Ballast Causes HF Interference.

Posted by on March 17, 2014


ARRL to FCC: “Grow Light” Ballast Causes HF Interference, Violates Rules.

arrl-smallOn March 14th, the ARRL published an article stating: “ARRL formally complained to the FCC, contending that a “grow light” ballast being widely marketed and sold is responsible for severe interference to the MF and HF bands”.

In a bold move, the ARRL complained to the FCC regarding Grow Lights and the RFI they generate.  The ARRL included extensive lab reports on a single lamp unit showing HF interference beyond commission set limits.  See the this article on the ARRL web site for full information.

This is good news for the ham radio community.  Given a single grow light can wipe out all the HF bands for a several block radius, anything done to reduce the RFI generated by these lights is good for Amateur Radio.    Having the ARRL weigh in on this matter, and directly to the FCC, including lab reports, is a very good thing for hams all over the US.  Bravo to the ARRL for this action!

Let the ARRL know you support this action!  Click HERE to send a quick note via email to ARRL HQ.  Please support the ARRL in any way you can in this action.  Please also pass on this link on to others so they may let the ARRL know they also support this action.


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