Overview I have been playing around with Dopplergrams for several years, and am back in the Dopplergram...
Software information
Here you will find general software information, not categorized as reviews.
The Genovation keypads have either forty eight or twenty four keys on them depending on which model...
This allows me to verify I am working with the same RFI source. I record the...
MixW is an old, and unsupported program, save for the Yahoo MixW group. MixW is also...
Over the past few years my RFI problem has been getting worse and worse. 40 Meters...
One of the best logging program available just got better! Scott Davis, (N3FJP), has announced his...
Here you will find the current MixW help files for inclusion within the MixW software package. ...
This review of Hamlog by Pignology was prompted after a three week trip to Arizona, and one...
S-Meter Lite will graph S-Meter readings in real time, save spreadsheet ready files over very long time...
There exists a way to actually look at the Ionosphere, with nothing more than a computer and...