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MixW Macro List V3.x, complete

Posted by on March 4, 2012


MixW macro list v3.x:

Colin (2E0BPP), and Dave (G3VFP) have put together the MixW macro list v3.x; a list of all known Macros and a few more for MixW.  This list of macros is the most complete list of Macros available for MixW today.  This list is also available from the MixW group on Yahoo as well. You can download a more detailed copy of Colin’s original Word document here.  This is the most complete list of macros I have seen for MixW.  Many thanks to Colin, and Dave for putting this list together.  If you use MixW, please consider joining the Yahoo Group, “MixW”.

The following Macro commands are correct as at version 3.1

Collated from the help file by Dave G3VFP updated by Colin 2E0BPP




<CALL>Insert the callsign of other station as in log
<NAME>Insert the name of the other station operator as in log
<QTH>Insert the QTH of the other station as in log
<WWLOC>Insert the name of other station WWLOC
<RSTR>Insert received RST
<RSTS>Insert sent RST
<NOTES>Insert the Notes field as in the log
<NRR>Insert Exchange received
<NRS>Insert Exchange to send
<DATE>Insert the current date
<TIME>Insert the current UTC time
<LOCALTIME>Insert current local time
<STARTTIME>Insert QSO start time
<CTIME>Insert time in HHMM format
<MYCALL>Insert your callsign as configured in Personal Data
<MYMAINCALL>Insert your callsign without /P etc
<MYNAME>Insert your name as configured in Personal Data
<MYQTH>Insert your QTH as configured in Personal Data
<MYWWLOC>Insert your WW Locator as configured in Personal Data
<PREVCALL>Insert other station Callsign of last QSO saved
<PREVCTIME>Insert <CTIME> of last contest QSO saved
<PREVNAME>Insert other station Name of last QSO saved
<PREVNRR>Insert Exchange received of last QSO saved
<PREVNRS>Insert Exchange sent of last QSO saved
<PREVQTH>Insert other station QTH of last QSO saved
<PREVRSTR>Insert received RST of last QSO saved
<PREVRSTS>Insert sent RST of last QSO saved
<SELCALL>Insert other station Callsign of selected logged QSO
<SELNAME>Insert other station Name of selected logged QSO
<SELNRR>Insert Exchange received of selected logged QSO
<SELNRS>Insert Exchange sent of selected logged QSO
<SELQTH>Insert other station QTH of selected logged QSO
<SELRSTR>Insert received RST of selected logged QSO
<SELRSTS>Insert sent RST of selected logged QSO
<CR>Insert Carriage Return
<CRLF>Insert Carriage Return then Line Feed
<LF>Insert Linefeed
<CTRL-x>Insert Ctrl-A – Ctrl-Z (as defined by x)
<TAB>Insert tab symbol (same as tab key)
<[>Insert < character
<]>Insert > character
<GA>Insert GM GA or GE depending on time at Call station
<GAL>As <GA> but use long phrase (Good Morning, Afternoon or Evening)
<IMD>Insert the current IMD if IMD is fixed on the statusbar
<KHZ>Insert current frequency in Khz
<KHZ:n>Insert current frequency in Khz to n decimal places
<MHZ>Insert current frequency in Mhz
<MHZ:n>Insert current frequency in Mhz to n decimal places
<MODE>Insert current mode
<QSOBEFOREDATE>Insert previous QSO for this band and mode date
<QSOBEFORETIME>Insert previous QSO for this band and mode time
<ANYQSOBEFOREDATE>Insert date of last QSO with this call
<ANYQSOBEFORETIME>Insert time of last QSO with this call
<ANYQSOBEFOREBAND>Insert band of last QSO with this call
<ANYQSOBEFOREMODE>Insert mode of last QSO with this call
<QSONR:BAND>Insert this band QSO number
<QSONR:MODE>Insert this mode QSO number
<QSONR>Insert this QSO number
<WX>Insert weather data as input with <WX?>
<MILES>Insert distance in miles
<DIST>Insert Distance in km
<AZ>Insert azimuth
<CWID:DEFAULT>Set CWID as defined in Personal Data
<CWID:text>Set CWID to text
<FILE>Insert contents of file (opens file selection dialogue)
<FILE:filename>Insert contents of filename
<TEXTFILE>Insert text from file (opens file selection dialogue)
<TEXTFILE:filename>Insert text from file filename
<RANDOM:filename>Insert random string from a file. Designed to simulate live typing
<INIFILE:file,section,name>Insert data from inifilefile, section [SECTION], name Name=
<VER>Insert Version Number




<TX>Switch to TX mode immediately
<TXE>Switch to TX mode when the RX carrier drops
<TXTOGGLE>Toggle between TX and RX
<RX>Switch to RX when encountered in the TX data stream
<RXANDCLEAR>Switch to RX when encountered in the TX data stream and clear TX window
<RXE>Switch to RX mode when all TX data is transmitted
<ACALL>Allows call changing on the fly
<CLEARQSO>Erase the data in the current QSO line
<CLEARWINDOW>Clear current window
<CURSOR:n>Position cursor at field n of the log file
<CURSOR:TX>Position the cursor in the TX window
<DTMF:abcd>Send DTMF sequence
<ESCAPE>Same as escape key
<EXEC:command>Execute a program or command
<EXT:command>Run an external program or command
<FILTER:name>Turn filter onOptions include NONE, PASS, NOTCH, NOISE
<FIXSTARTTIME>Set current time as QSO start time in log
<GRABCALL>Grabs calls from stack
<LASTCALL>Grabs the last call received
<SHOW:name>Show Toolbar
<INPUTVOLUME>Set the soundcard input volume using the Windows Volume Control
<OUTPUTVOLUME>Set the soundcard output volume using the Windows Volume ControlThere maybe problems with <INPUTVOLUME> and <OUTPUTVOLUME> in the latest windows versions
<MARKERS:xx,yy,…>Add marker lines to the waterfall/spectrum at xx,yy etc (up to 5) fq
<MARKERS:OFF>Remove all marker lines
<MODE:mode>Set mode to Mixw mode
<MODEADD:mode>Set mode to additional mode
<MODETNC:mode>Set mode to TNC mode
<NEWRXWINDOW:audiofq:mode>Create RX mode window at audiofq
<NEWRXWINDOW:audiofq>Create RX current mode window at audiofq
<NEWRXWINDOW>Create new RX window in current mode and fq
<CLOSERXWINDOWS>Close all open extra RX windows
<PTTOFF>Switch PTT off
<PTTON>Switch PTT on
<BEEP:OFF>Turn the PC Beep off
<BEEP:ON>Sound the PC Beep
<SAVEQSO>Save QSO data
<SCRIPT:filename>Run script from filename
<ASSCRIPT>Run following text as a script file
<TELNETSCRIPT:filename>Run filename as telnet script
<TNCSCRIPT:filename>Run script for 2nd TNC from filename
<SEEKLEFT>Initiate a seek left
<SEEKRIGHT>Initiate a seek right
<SENDEQSL>Send current QSO to eQSL. Prompts for password
<SENDEQSLNP>Send current QSO to eQSL with no prompt
<QSLPRINT>Add current QSO to the QSL print queueUse QSLprint to print card or label
<REPLAY>Replay the sound history
<REPLAY:n>Replay n seconds of the sound history
<STARTRECORD>Start a wav recording
<STARTRECORD:filename>Start wav recording to filename
<STARTRECORD:filename.mp3>Start mp3 recording to filename (requires lame_enc.dll)
<STARTRECORD2>Start wav recording from 2nd rx window
<STOPRECORD>Stop recording
<WAVE:filename>Play filename as a .wav file
<RXLOGSTART>Start RXLog (opens RXLog file select dialogue)
<RXLOGSTART:filename>Start RXLog using filename
<SNAPNOW>Do snap now
<STARTSCAN>Starts the scan feature
<STOPSCAN>Stops the scan feature
<TOGGLECATPORT>Toggle the CAT port Enable/Disable
<TOGGLEPTTPORT>Toggle the PTT port Enable/Disable
<TOGGLESOUNDDEV>Toggle the sound device Enable/Disable
<TUNE>Send a tuning signal (ESC key aborts)
<TUNE:nn>Send a tune signal for nn seconds
<WKDIGNOREBEFORE:date time>QSO is ignored before specified time
<WKDPERIOD:nn>QSO is ignored until nnn minutes has elapsed
<CAPITALSONLY:x>Switch capitals only (x = 1 on, x = 0 off)
<WORDMODE:x>Switch word mode (x = 1 on, x = 0 off)
<SHOW:RIGEXPERTS>Display Rigexpert devices connected to PC
<YAPPSEND:filename>YAPP send filename
<ALERT:text>Display message box with text. Need to action OK to continue
<SENDSPOT>Send spot to DX cluster if DX cluster is open
<GOOGLEEARTH:<SELCALL>>Display map position of selected logged QSO call
<GOOGLEEARTH:<CALL>>Display map position of current QSO call
<LANG_>Change name of a macro depending on current callsign




<FQ:fq_in_kHz>Sets the transceiver frequency
<ZFQ:fq_in_kHz>Set the transceiver zero-beat frequency
<JUMPTOTXFQ>RX frequency jumps to TX frequency
<ALIGN:fq_in_Hz>Aligns on the specified audio frequency
<AUDIOFQ:fq_in_Hz>Sets the audio frequency
<BOOKMARK>Toggles the Bookmark on/off
<BMERASE>Clears all marks on this frequency
<CATCMD:text_command>Sends the text command to the transceiver
<CATCMDDDE:text_command>Sends text via DDE
<CATCMDHEX:hex_command>Sends the hex command to the transceiver
<CATVFOSYNCONCE:2xxxxx>Set VFOB to xxxxx khz.
<CATTRANSVERTER:(+/-)shift_in_hz>Allows working with different Transverters
<CATVFOSYNCSHIFT:shift>Set VFO sync value
<CATWAIT:ms>CAT delay in ms
<SPSHIFT:fq_in_Hz> Sets the spectrum or waterfall shift
<SPZOOM:n>Set the spectrum or waterfall zoom (0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4 are available)
<MEMW:n>Save certain settings to memory number n (1 – 20)
<MEMR:n>Restore settings from memory number n




<MACROS:filename>Load macros from filenamefilename will be used as default macros (instead of MixMacros.ini)
<MODEMACROS:filename>Load macros from filename for this modeThis command sets “filename” to store macros for this mode
<EDITMACRO:name>Edit macro with specified nameThis command brings Edit User Macro dialogueThis command can be used to edit Event macros
<HIDETEXT>Don’t show Macro text in window
<SHOWTEXT> Show Macro text in window
<ONQSOBEFORE:name>Run Macro name if QSO before
<QSOCMDDDE:command>DDE command to external program
<WX?>Enter weather data that will be recalled by the <WX> macro




<AFCON>Switches AFC On
<AFCOFF>Switches AFC Off. See <LOCKRX> below
<AFC>Toggle AFC
<INVON>Turns invert on
<INVOFF>Turns invert off
<INV>Toggle invert
<SNAPON>Switches Snap On
<SNAPOFF>Switches Snap Off
<SNAP>Toggle Snap
<SQUELCHON>Switches squelch on
<SQUELCHOFF>Switches squelch off
<SQUELCH>Toggle squelch
<LOCKRX>Lock RX Frequency. Turns waterfall flag blueDoes not inhibit AFC. RX fq may still wander
<UNLOCKRX>Unlock RX Frequency
<LOCKTX>Lock TX Frequency. Turns waterfall flag red
<UNLOCKTX>Unlock the TX Frequency
<MODESETTINGS>Displays mode settings dialogue box
<THRESHOLD>Displays the Squelch dialog box


Auto CQ


<ACQ>Pause and restores AutoCQ mode
<ACQDELAY>Set the AUTOCQ delay
<ALARM:string>Beeps when string is received but see <OnAlarm> event macro
<ASAUTOCQ>Initiate the following string as AUTOCQ
<AUTOCQ>Initiates the auto CQ routine as set under Options | AutoCQ (See below)
<AUTOCQRESUME>Resume an interrupted AUTOCQ




<SP:0>Run mode on (also <SP0>)
<SP:1>Search and pounce mode on (also <SP1>)
<SP>Switch to Run mode (same as SP:0)
<S/P>Toggle between Search and Pounce and Run
<OnSP0>Execute when switch to Run mode
<OnSP1>Execute when switch to Search and Pounce mode
<STATS:REPEATQTC>Repeat the same 10 QTCs
<CLEARNRR>Clear the NRR received field
<INCNRR>Increment the NRR field if it is an integer
<INT>Output depends on S&P or Run mode and content of CALL and NRR fields
<INTQRL>Called in S&P mode when Call is empty
<INTDE>Called in S&P mode with a new call but NRR empty
<INTQSL>Called in S&P mode with a new call and NRR complete
<INTCQ>Called in Run mode when Call is empty
<INTGA>Called in Run mode with a new call but NRR empty
<INTQB4>Called in Run mode with a previous QSO call
<INTQRZ>Called in Run mode with new call and NRR complete




<ROTOR:LP>Turn rotor to the Long Path for the station in the <CALL> field
<ROTOR:SP>Turn rotor to the Short Path for the station in the <CALL> field
<ROTOR:n>Turn rotor to the specified azimuth using n
<ROTORCMD:command>Send command to the rotor port
<ROTORCMDHEX:command>Send hexadecimal command to the rotor port




<LANGUAGE:xxx>Select languageA language must have a corresponding xxx.cwt file
<FORCELANGUAGE:xxx>Force receiving as xxx
<WPM:-n>Decrease the CW speed by n
<WPM:+n>Increase the CW speed by n
<WPM:n>Set the CW speed to n
<WPM:RX>Match the TX speed to the RX speed
<WKHEX:hex command>Send hex command to WinKey
<WKTEXT:text>Send text to WinKey
<WKPOT>Disable WinKey pot
<WKNOPOT>Enable WinKey pot




<SET FILTER:width_in_hz>Set filter width
<SET FONT:n>Set the font to n
<SET RXFQ:fq_in_hz>Set the RX frequency
<SET SCALE:n>Set the scale
<SET SUBMODE:submode>Set the Hell submode (FELD, FM105, FM245)
<SET TXFQ:fq_in_hz>Set the TX frequency




<PIC:filename%2000>Sends filename in high resolution black and white
<PIC?N>Same as selecting File->Send Picture->B/W..opens dialog box to select picture file, sends in black and white
<PIC?N%C>Same as selecting File->Send Picture-> Colour…opens dialog box to select picture file, sends in colour




<GET OFFSET>Get frequency offset
<GET RATE>Get sample rate difference
<GET SN>Get s/n ratio
<SET BW:n>Set bandwidth in hz
<SET TONES:n>Set number of tones




<SET BW:n>Set bandwidth in hz
<SET TONES:n>Set number of tones




<SET BW:n>Set bandwidth in hz
<SET TONES:n>Set number of tones




<LETTERS>Forces letters
<NUMBERS>Forces numbers
<SHIFT:shift_in_Hz>Sets the RTTY shift in Hz
<BAUDRATE:baudrate>Sets the baudrate




<FONTBOLD:n>Set font bold (n=1 on, n=0 off)
<FONTFACE:name>Set the font face name
<FONTITALIC:n>Set font italic (n=1 on, n=0 off)
<FONTSIZE:n>Set the font size
<FROMCLIP>Load picture from clipboard
<LIMITSCANLINES:n>Send only n lines
<LOADPICTURE:filename>Load picture with header
<LOADPICTUREONLY:filename>Load picture only
<LOCKMODE>Lock the SSTV mode
<PLACETEXT:x:y:text>Place text at position x,y
<PLACETEXT:x:y>Place cursor at position x,y
<PUTHEADER:filename>Put filename header file
<PUTRXPICT:x0:y0:x1:y1>Put received picture into the specified rectangle
<TEXTSTYLE:n>Set current text style
<UNLOCKMODE> – Unlock current SSTV mode




<OnAlarm>Execute after an <ALARM> event. Beep is cancelled
<OnOpenTelnetWindow>Execute after open of Telnet window
<OnCloseTelnetWindow>Execute after close of Telnet window
<OnOpenTNCWindow>Execute after open of TNC window
<OnCloseTNCWindow>Execute after close of TNC window
<OnCR#>Execute when Enter is pressed with focus in log field #
<OnCR>Execute when focus in log (also see <INT>)
<OnStartMixW> – Execute when Mixw starts
<OnEndMixW>Execute during close of Mixw
<OnStartMode>Execute when mode is entered
<OnEndMode>Execute on leaving current mode
<OnEnter#>Execute when band# is entered (set in bands.ini file)
<OnLeave#>Execute when band# is exited (set in bands.ini file)
<OnGrabCall>Execute if two same calls are received
<OnGrabCallTx>Execute when call is grabbed from keyer
<OnGrabNumber>Execute when (serial) number is grabbed
<OnSaveQSO>Execute when QSO is saved
<OnRemoveQSO>Execute when QSO is removed
<OnRX>Execute when RX is initiated
<OnTX>Execute when TX is initiated
<OnEscape>Execute when Escape key pressed
<OM>Execute if <NAME> is called and Name field in the log is empty
<OnAPPCommandxx>Execute when multimedia key xx is pressed


Further explanation on the use of MixW Macros




To add a CW ID to the default signoff macro you must first define it under Personal Data. Select Configure | Personal Data. This brings up the personal data window. Check the “use CWID” box and then enter your sign off CW ID text, then uncheck this box to avoid sending the CWID when you don’t want too. Next add <CWID> to the end of the macro, such as, 73 <CALL> DE <MYCALL> SK<CWID>. Of course, <CWID> can also be assigned to a separate function key, as can <TIME> and <DATE>, but MixW’s log also logs the time and date automatically. If you use CW ID, keep in mind that while it is executing, the other station is printing only garbage. For that reason, you might want to use CW ID only at the end of your signoff macro.




Auto CQ is a very handy Macro that enables you to transmit a predetermined CQ sequence at regular intervals. It will stop automatically when a call sign is received (indicating that your CQ has been answered). AutoCQ must first be configure by selecting Options | Auto CQ | Text and entering your required CQ call. When you’re done configuring this click OK to save it. Then select options | Auto CQ | Delay and enter the required delay, in seconds, between then end of the transmitted message and the start of the next transmission. Finally assign <AUTOCQ> to one of your macro buttons. To automatically stop use <ALARM:yourcall> and create the event macro <OnAlarm:ESCAPE>. This will only stop if the response to your CQ is in the form <MYCALL> de <CALL>.

You can initiate AutoCQ in three ways: Click on the button you have assigned it to, depress the key you have assigned it to, or select Options->Auto CQ->Start. You will see the AutoCQ indication box appear above your cursor in the spectrum or waterfall display. AutoCQ will cycle until the <ALARM:x> has been received in the RX window, when it will automatically stop (MixW knows that your CQ has been answered!). You can manually stop AutoCQ by the Escape Key, or by Selecting Options->Auto CQ->Stop.

By selecting Options->Auto CQ->Watch squelch AutoCQ will then only operate when your RX is squelched, thereby avoiding accidentally transmitting over the top of an existing QSO. 


Using this Macro command at the beginning of any Macro string will define it as the new AutoCQ text and commence to AutoCQ with it when selected. This enables MixW to have multiple AutoCQ strings. For instance you could define one for a contest or special event station, and still leave your default AutoCQ text for your normal operations.


Plays the indicated *.WAV file. This is very handy to use as a voice Keyer for contesting or otherwise calling CQ or other automated voice responses. Simply record wave files using the Windows Sound Recorder (included with Windows 9x, ME and 2000) or another digital recording program and save them as .WAV files. Then you can configure your Macros to replay your voice as recorded automatically. For instance the following Macro would be used for calling CQ in a contest:


Where CQCONTEST is the name of the pre-recorded .WAV file of my voice saying, “CQ Contest CQ Contest CQ Contest CQ Contest, this is K4SET calling CQ Contest”. For this Macro to work, you should be in SSB, AM, or FM phone modes. Then by initiating this Macro (by clicking on, or depressing, the the assigned function key) MixW will automatically key your transceiver, then play your recorded voice calling CQ through the soundcard to your transceiver’s input audio, then it will switch back to receive while you just sit by and listen for answers. You can likewise pre-record any number of other transmissions including reports or QRZ type end of contact calls. This can really save you voice during a long contest or special even operation.

Note: <WAVE:filename> can also be used in conjunction with your <AUTOCQ> or <ASAUTOCQ> Macros to use the voice keyer to automatically call CQ.




<INIFILE:file,section,name> – insert a line from an ini-file.

Suppose I have a program that measures the temperature using a sensor outside of the house and periodically writes the value into d:tempsensor.ini file:

— start of d:tempsensor.ini —





— end of d:tempsensor.ini —

Then I can make a macro:

The current temperature in Kiev is <INIFILE:d:tempsensor.ini,Sensor,Temperature> degrees centigrade.



There are four macros to set the RUN or SEARCH AND POUNCE mode:

<SP1> sets search and pounce mode on.

<SP0> sets search and pounce mode off (run mode on).

<SP> switches to run mode (same as <SP0>.

<S/P> toggle between search and pounce and run modes.

When in Run mode <Run> is appended to the main Mixw window title text.  There are several macros which are dependent on each other and the contents of certain fields in the contest log.  The output of the <INT> macro, which is called by default by the OnCR macro when MixW is in contest mode, depends on whether Mixw is in Run or Search and Pounce mode and the content of the CALL and RX EXCHANGE (NRR) fields as shown in the following tables:

Search and Pounce Mode


CallNRRTypical OutputMacro to Edit
-empty--empty- <LASTCALL><TX><CALL> de <MYCALL><RX> INTQRL

Run Mode


CallNRRTypical OutputMacro to Edit
-empty- -empty- CQ TEST DE mycall INTCQ
NEWCALL-empty-<CALL> GA 599 001 INTGA


The RUN and SEARCH AND POUNCE modes function whether Mixw is in contest mode or not.



Previous data can be inserted in the transmit data stream using macros as detailed above. It is intended for contests but does function when Mixw is not in contest mode. The action of the PREV macros is not consistent however. For all macros except <PREVCTIME> Mixw will search back in the log for the last data entry for that particular log field whether it is a contest log entry or not.

For <PREVCTIME> the search back will find the last contest log entry.


<TXE> and <RXE>

The <RXE> macro can be inserted anywhere (including before <TX>) in the data to be transmitted. This allows data to be assembled in the transmit window as required without the requirement of an <RX> at the end of the data. Mixw will switch to RX when all the data in the TX buffer has been transmitted.  The <TXE> macro will only set Mixw to transmit when the carrier is dropped after the end of the previous received data. This has some limitations. If there is another carrier (eg someone tuning on your QSO frequency) or the band is very noisy then Mixw may not go into transmit. However it can be overridden by clicking on the RX button in the status bar at the bottom of the waterfall which puts Mixw into transmit mode.


Use of <LANG_>

This macro modifier makes it possible to change the contents of an associated macro to the language of the current QSO callsign.  It makes use of the lang.ini file delivered as part of the Mixw installation.

The content of lang.ini after installation is:











As it stands this lang.ini file is assumed to be for an English speaking installation.  The MASK section defines calls where a complete initial prefix letter assigns the whole of that prefix group a language key. In the settings any call that starts with U or R is assumed to be Russian Language, F is French and I Italian. The DXCC section defines individual countries to a language key. France is included in both sections because as well as F prefix France can also have other letters as the first letter of a prefix (eg TM).

An example of the use of <LANG_>:

The end of a QSO is:


This could be changed to:


A number of macros are created using edit macros menu:


Label: doesn’t matter



Label: doesn’t matter

Text:Au Revoir


Label: doesn’t matter



Label: doesn’t matter

Text:Auf Wiedersehen


Label: doesn’t matter


When the <LANG_BYE> macro is actioned it will substitute the LANG with the prefix language key and then insert the text in the transmit window. If there is no prefix language entry in lang.ini the default macro BYE is used instead.  It is possible to associate multiple countries to one language. An entry in the DXCC section OE=GER would associate Austria with the German language and a Spanish entry could be used to link a number of countries.

Waiting or slowing macro execution

There are a number of ways of slowing down execution, to overcome timing problems.  Executing the sequence <FQ:29600><MODE:FM> does not reliably execute on some transceivers but 

<FQ:29600><CATWAIT:300><MODE:FM> overcomes the problem.

To completely halt a macro sequence for an indeterminate period:

<macro>text<macro><ALERT:Macro pauses>Text <macro> will halt the sequence at the <ALERT> macro until the OK button in the message box is actioned.

CATWAIT only delays CAT command activity and the ALERT macro needs attention. To delay a macro sequence for a fixed period the Mixw Script command sleep must be used.

To delay a sequence for 5 seconds to allow an asynchronous action to take place like switching off the log display at Mixw start up, to overcome a problem of window sizes being incorrect:

<ASSCRIPT>sleep 5

runmacro “HIDE:LOGBAR”


This sequence is inserted as the last 3 lines of the <OnStartMixw> macro.


The <ASSCRIPT> macro tells Mixw to action all the following data using the Script interpreter not the Macro interpreter so after the <ASSCRIPT> is actioned no further Mixw macro format commands can be included. However Mixw Script language allows individual macros to be executed by runmacro “MACRONAME”. The Script commands are case sensitive, as are the Macro commands.  When the ASSCRIPT macro is executed a small window pops up. The close command clears it.  If a sequence of macro commands is to be part delayed then the following is the way to do it:


<ASSCRIPT>sleep 7

runmacro “Ctrl-F5”


Macro Ctrl-F5 contains:

<TX>qrz qrz de <MYCALL> <MYCALL> pse k <RXANDCLEAR>

If the first <RXANDCLEAR> is left out the transmitter will be left on and idling for 7 seconds.  The parameter to sleep is in seconds.

Multimedia keyboard support

If Mixw is being driven by a multimedia keyboard a number of other keys become available which are actioned by:


xx values identified:

7 – Home key

8 – Mute/Enable key

9 – Reduce volume key

10 – Increase volume key

11 – Fast forward key

12 – Fast reverse key

13 – Pause/Stop key

14 – Play Key

15 – Mail key

When any of the multimedia keys are depressed the corresponding OnAppCommand macro number is displayed in the status bar.  These keys will only work if the window focus is on the main Mixw window.  A warning. The sleep key (if the keyboard has one) cannot be used.


Creating or Changing Macros

The contents of macros can be changed by a number of different methods.  The Macro name is the key combination (eg Shift-F8) or the event name not the label name.  Use the Mixw menu Configure->Default Macros (or Macros for this mode) and select Edit from the file selection box.  Right Click on the Macro button to bring up the Edit user macro box. This method cannot be used to edit the 5 ‘Maths’ key macros (Gray+, Gray-, Gray*, Gray/ and INS), the Search and Pounce/Run integral macros nor the Event Macros.

Use the <EDITMACRO:macroname> macro

Use <macroname?>

This will bring up a small text input box. Input or change the text as required.  Using this method of creating or changing a macro has limitations. If you press the Enter key whilst the focus is in the text area the edit will terminate and the macro will be executed ‘as is’. It is not possible to create extra lines for the macro being changed and if it is being created only one line is possible. However by use of <CRLF> multiple transmitted lines can be created.

Use <macroname> to execute the macro if it is being created/changed as an event macro.


If an attempt is made to use a text editor to edit the raw macro files it is possible Windows will corrupt the file when it is written back. This will occur if a ‘special’ character (eg the temperature degree symbol) is included in a macro text. Some text editors write the data back and include special characters at the start of the file, invisible to a text editor but confusing to Mixw and the default macro set are now appended to the back of the macro file and the user has ‘lost’ their macros.



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