If you click the image at the left, or here, you get to a set of pages containing snapshots of the various categories of RFI generating devices. Once you arrive at the category page, you will find another set of images, each representing some form of RFI. Clicking on any of the images on the RFI category page will take you to yet another page, which contains any number of RFI signatures. This may be helpful in identifying a source of RFI. While it is not a a RFI fingerprint, it is an indication of what may be causing your RFI. These indications can help in the location of RFI. For instance, if you see something here like a street light, and it matches what you see at home, then you can reasonably suspect streetlights in your area, and watch them. There are many types of RFI, not all of them will match, so do not expect to find an exact match… For more information on locating RFI see the “I have RFI” three part article located here.
If you have any sort of KNOWN RFI signatures, please send them to me, with a note as to what they are. If you have an audio sample please include it. My email is good on QRZ.COM. Clicking the QRZ link will open a tab, you can get my email there…