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Icom: 2720H

Review of the Icom 2720H three band mobile radio.

Review of Icom 2720H VHF/UHF Mobile Transceiver


This review of Icom’s 2720H VHF/UHF mobile transceiver is not going to be a highly technical review, it will be a review on use of the radio, I am a fan of Icom rigs, so there is also a bit of bias in this review… I have owned and used two Icom 2720H’s for several years now, one in each vehicle .. It is a good rig, but it does have it’s faults… One of them being the programming. If you have a computer, all is well, but if you are on the road, and need to change anything, (anything at all), get out your Nifty Mini-Manual for it… You will need it. Continue reading »

Categories: Icom: 2720H, Info, Radios reviews, Reviews, Station | 1 Comment