This review of the 30 Meter Mono GAP, (see my review of the GAP Challenger), was prompted as a first phase for a test bed for constructing a 30 Meter 4-Square phased array. I also wanted to get a decent antenna for 30 Meters, and I like vertical dipoles because one does not need the huge radial field a monopole does. In fact the GAP 30 Mono has only three radials, which aren’t really radials, they are more of a capacity hat for tuning. The GAP 30 seemed a good selection for a 4 square system, as I would not need to lay out miles of radials, the antenna is small and need no guying, 30 Meters is a fun band, and will be active across Sunspot minimum times, and I have always wanted a vertical phased array. So I decided to buy one, and test it. This review is the result of the install. Look for addendums regarding performance at the end of this article later… For a closer look at any photo, just click it… Once you have finished inspecting it, hit the BACK button on your browser.